


Release Notes of Deli PDF Converter

Release Notes tell you what’s new in Deli PDF Converter for Windows. As always, we welcome your feedback. You can  send feedback to support@bitwar.net


Version: 3.4.2

  1. Optimized the effect of conversion to Word, support editing and format priority options.
  2. Added PDF to Excel and PPT conversion.
  3. Added CAD to PDF conversion.
  4. Added PDF image extraction.
  5. Added Traditional Chinese language.
  6. Fixed known bugs.


Version 3.1.0

  1. Added the new html conversion engine to prevent some file conversions from turning blank.
  2. Reduced installation package volume by 30M.
  3. Redesigned online installation package.
  4. Fitted screen sizing of 125%, 200%.
  5. Added function of PDF compression.
  6. Added PDF merge function.
  7. Fixed other known bugs.

DeliPDF keeps on keeping on Look to this release for even more performance improvements, features that let you know more without leaving the webpage you’re on, and a comprehensive watermark removal experience.

Thank you to all of the DeliPDF users who contributed to this release of Deli PDF Converter for Windows!



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提示“超过三台电脑”怎么处理?怎么回事? 人工转换需要多长时间? 如何注册/登录软件? 扫描件和图片格式的pdf文件怎么转换? 软件支持哪些格式转换呢? 转换识别后和原件一模一样吗?


电话: 400-606-9600

合作: hz@pdf2word.cn

Copyright © 2014-2019 转易侠PDF转换器 版权所有 闽ICP备11015312号-3

转易侠pdf转换器为您提供将PDF转WORD,word转换成pdf, word转ppt,word转jpg,word转excel 等格式互相转换服务,能够轻松将您的文件转成PDF,或将您的PDF文件转换成其他的类型。